The folding bike has become a real star in recent years. The folding bike, or two-wheeled UFO for some magazines is a bike of the future. You’ve probably come across them on your streets because they are more and more numerous. In 2020, folding bikes were the favorite of cyclists with an increase in sales of over 12% according to LeParisien. This is the second highest increase after electric bikes.
The bicycle always accompanied by its user
At the side of its user in public transport, under the desk during the working day, in the entrance of the house in the evening or stored in a small closet, the folding bike never leaves its users.
It is the bike that is most often kept away from theft and damage because it is never far from its user.
This atypical bike is designed in different materials in order to offer you the possibility to create your fleet as you wish. Whether it is made of steel, aluminum or titanium, the folding bike is a powerful, durable and more or less light bike.
The progress of the folding bike in the bicycle market
A 12% increase has been noted on folding bike sales in 2020. The folding bike is evolving and is supported in the same direction as electric bikes. We can see that it is a part of the bike mobility that is pushed forward.
According to the GART (Group of Transport Authorities) “we should not oppose public transport to individual transport, but rather develop the combination of both”. Thanks to atypical bicycles such as folding bikes, the possibility of combining several modes of transport is more easily accessible.
Communities facing the rise of folding bikes
More and more communities are promoting the development of folding bicycles in order to limit the number of conventional bicycles on their network. These bikes are very quickly becoming a piece of luggage rather than an imposing bicycle.
Various operators are also considering a solution to offer a multiservice card. For the Nantes metropolis, this card would allow access to self-service bicycles, bicycle stations and folding bicycle rentals.
The Pays de la Loire Region offers its TER subscribers assistance when they purchase a folding bicycle. This is the bike that takes up the least amount of space on board the trains.
The aim is to relieve congestion on the busiest TER trains, but to keep subscribers on the train.
Why invest in a fleet of folding bikes?

Folding bikes, the solution to privilege the velotaf and invest new in companies.
Investing in folding bikes for your employees has several advantages.
Saving space for the storage of my fleet
The number one advantage of this bike? The space saving. As its name indicates, it is foldable. Once folded, the bike measures only a few centimeters and is easy to store.
The folding bike is therefore easier to use for city dwellers because it can be folded and stored in a few seconds while being light (10 to 13 kg for the majority).
This bike is a comfortable bike for trips that remain relatively short due to its small wheels.
Now you have a way to store more bikes in your fleet by folding them.

Less theft of my folding bikes
Another asset centers around theft of your bike fleet. Since 2012, new homes in downtown areas have been required to have dedicated spaces for bike storage. 1 out of 2 bicycle thefts occurs in this type of private space. Indeed, bicycles are not padlocked or locked to a fixed point. Also, apartments are getting smaller and smaller. This is why the folding bike is a bike of the future. Your customers will be able to store their bike at home if they wish to do so to avoid the theft of their vehicle.
The pluses of your bicycles
Bicycles also allow you to avoid public transport (if you wish, as folding bicycles are accepted in some transports), traffic jams and to keep yourself in good health.
In companies, transforming your fleet of (company) cars into a fleet of folding bikes will allow you to obtain a tax advantage.
The objective today is to develop new folding bikes with different specialties such as city bikes, touring bikes, leisure bikes and VAE.
It is essential to choose your fleet of bicycles according to the practice you wish to share. The folding bike is the future of cycling in the city.